Hood Maintenance
Mar 9th 2012
The ventilation system is more than just the stainless box that you see in your kitchen. It includes the grease filters, grease duct, exhaust fan, supply fan, supply fan filters, supply fan duct, electrical or gas controls, motors and belts, and design.
If properly sized and properly maintained, it will save you money on your utilities. However, if the system is neglected, it will cost you each and every day of operation. The first cost of an improperly designed system may be lower, but the long term effect on heating and air conditioning equipment, as well as the energy usage, will soon catch up with your bottom line.
* Always service your fans. A loose fan belt or clogged intake filter on the supply air fan will affect the performance of the system. Results of letting this maintenance lapse can be anything from a lack of capture ability resulting in smoke and grease escaping into the surrounding area, to the fans shutting down completely. Set up a regular maintenance schedule at the same time as you have your heating / air conditioning units checked. The same company can perform both maintenance functions.
* Always keep the exhaust duct clean. A regular cleaning schedule should be set up with a clean up company. Frequency of cleaning is dictated by the type of volume of cooking-in some cases every 30 days; in other cases every 6 months.
* Clean the grease filters as often as necessary. Grease filters are made to be cleaned in most commercial dishwashers or the pot sink. If they are not cleaned regularly, the performance of the ventilation system suffers.
* To help in maintaining the surface appearance, coat all stainless surfaces with a LIGHT covering of mineral oil, then wipe dry. This soaks into the pores of the metal and makes clean-up easier. Do not use mineral oil on the stainless grease filters. It is not necessary to coat the stainless every time you clean, only to keep a film of oil on the surfaces.