Need a Wash Station? Here's an Easy How To

Jul 3rd 2019

Camtainer Wash Station

This invention is too good not to share. So many groups are in need of portable wash stations and end up investing thousands of dollars to provide them. Cambro now offers a product, when combined with their beverage container, that creates a reliable wash station. The Cambro HWAPR110 hand washing station can securely attach to the Cambro 2.5 or 5 gallon Camtainer. It features a soap dispenser and a holder for a roll of paper towels. You can even have hot water, as the Camtainers will hold hot water for hours. This is an ultra convenient (and economical) solution to meet health department hand washing needs – anywhere. The set-up is mega portable.

Easy to set up- easy to use. This unit straps onto your Camtainer. Just fill the soap bulb, add a roll of towels, add hot water, a catch bucket and the easy serve dispenser level. That's it.

Wash station

We stock all the needed items, including the Cambro products now in our showroom.

Ideal for Fairs

Sporting teams

Catered events

Outdoor camping trips

Just a thought: Caterers, you may have beverage containers no quite up to par for serving front of the line, re-purpose them for you and your staff to use as a wash station with the addition of the Cambro HWAPR110.


About Cambro:

Cambro provides the food service industry with a broad product line committed to prepping, storing and transporting food safely. Since 1951, Cambro has created innovative carts, shelving, food pans, trays, and insulated equipment to keep your food and drinks safe and convenient to handle. Cambro's highly functional and durable products are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colors. Shown at right: HWAPR110