There are no products listed under this category on our website, but we have them in stock for you. Call 203-367-6611 or visit our showroom to order.
There are no products listed under this category on our website, but we have them in stock for you. Call 203-367-6611 or visit our showroom to order.
Brooklace is the largest doily manufacturer in the United States, and has the widest range of specialty doilies available. Brooklace can custom print linen doilies, placemats, and tray covers, and all products are certified Kosher. Brooklace also offers various baking items such as cup cake and muffin liners. Many Brooklace products complement food presentations, and create decorative settings. Other products offer functional uses such as carrying food and covering trays and eating areas, thus providing sanitary surfaces. Still other products can be used in the preparation of food.